Everyone has that moment where they realize that need to
start exercising. Going to a gym,
meeting new people, feeling healthier, and making changes to our bodies seem
like such an exciting endeavor. Most
people think about it, but never get to the point where they stay with it. It can seem overwhelming, intimidating, and
sometimes an inconvenience. Whether
you're heading back to the gym after a long hiatus or are new to the fitness
scene, here are a handful of tips to help you tackle the gym. Hopefully they
will help you maintain your fitness enthusiasm for months to come.
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Give your body the fuel it needs.
Your body requires fuel to drive the energy you need. Too often people deeply cut out calories, then by adding exercise drain the body completely of its fuel. The key to fueling your body is to ensure you eat small meals throughout the day. If you're too full you get cramps, and if you're too hungry you can't work your hardest. Keep pre-workout snacks, eaten 30 to 90 minutes prior to exercise, mostly in the carb family. These foods should be easily digestible and should contain about 40 to 100 grams of carbs with a low amount of fat. It's also a good idea to keep the fiber content to a minimum since high-fiber foods can be difficult to digest.Focus on exercising, not the calorie counting of the “burn”
Too often people get the gym with a number in their mind. “I must burn x amount of calories to make it worth it”. In actuality, you will continue to burn calories at a higher rate long after you have finished at the gym. Weights can keep your metabolism higher for 24-48 hours after a workout, helping you burn additional calories without knowing it. The other issue is people focus on using the machines to tell them their calorie burn. While Cardio machines are a great way to get your heart rate up, there are other great ways to burn calories and improve athletic performance. Squash, tennis, and other racquet sports allow you to burn calories, improve athleticism, and make cardio more interesting.Go to the knowledge when you need help or have a question
It can be intimidating to see that staff member who is perfectly sculptured and looks as though their body has not seen a calorie from fat. Reality is they are there to help you and at one time were beginners. They are knowledgeable, well trained, and want to help you. When confronted with a weight machine that confuses you don't skip it or plow ahead and hope for the best — many injuries begin with this attitude. Instead, ask for help. The gym staff is there to help you and should be happy to show you how to work the equipment. They may be able to provide you additional tips, strategies, and that quick motivation to help you achieve your goal.Free weights are your friend
Everyone has seen the picture of the 250 pound, huge armed, barrel chested weightlifter who looks like Conan the Barbarian. Reality is that not everyone working out with free weights will look like that. Free weights, combined with high repetitions will help you tone your body, not turn you into Mr. or Mrs. Universe. Working out with weights creates toned, strong muscles. Free weights are far more effective then machines, as they force more muscles to participate in the movement. Stabilizing, pushing, and balancing are required with free weights so many smaller muscles are involved. Don’t be afraid to give them a try, if you are, review the tip above this one!Rome was not built in a day, so don’t try to change it in your first workout
If your goal is to lose pounds, inches off your waist, or improve your overall fitness level then you should make a note of it. However, it will not be completed in the first week at the gym. Set small goals for yourself that will ultimately get you to what you wanted to achieve. For the first month, set the goal of getting to the gym 3 times per week. Then set a goal of losing 1-2 pounds per week, or 1 inch per month, or increasing your lifting ability by 10%. Set smaller milestones that will get you to the larger goal, it will not seem as daunting a task. Those small wins will be huge motivation for you, giving you confidence and more mental energy to head to the gym.Be Reasonable With Post-Workout Treats
If you're heading to the gym to lose or maintain your weight, don't fall for the temptation of treats after working out. It is easy to rationalize eating fattening foods after spending 30 minutes on the treadmill, but it's easy to consume more calories than you burned. The best food post-workout is carbs and protein, but you don't need much and you really only need this if you worked out for over an hour. Be sure to drink plenty of water while at the gym.If you can, work with an expert
If you are new to the gym, want to learn new techniques, or want to get some guidance I suggest you work with a personal trainer. You will learn new exercises, how to work the weight machines, how to push yourself, how to monitor your cardio, etc. Having a trainer takes the guesswork out of your fitness life. It could be for a few sessions to get you into the rhythm, use them periodically to help motivate, or use them for the first while to help establish a discipline. At the end of the day you are trying to accomplish a goal – improved fitness, weight loss, increased energy, etc. It is important to find the right workout for you, so you are excited to go to the gym. If you are not a cardio person, then running a treadmill will seem boring and painful. Substituting indoor tennis, squash, or even a spin class may make it more interesting and enjoyable. Some people love free weights; others prefer yoga, while some prefer a mix of all the various options to create a powerful workout. Whatever your fitness goals, joining a gym is as easy as walking up and getting a free trial. Try a one week pass and get started on your fitness journey.Read Original Source