You ask tennis
players, and you will find that their belief in the superiority of their
game over squash is unwavering. As the debate continues, I consolidated
the previous versions of this discussion into a new post along with a
few new ones that came to my mind. So here is a lighthearted look at
“squash vs. tennis” that may make you smile and think.
A squash player’s thoughts on tennis: Tennis players need two serves to get a rally going. Tennis players need three balls to play the game, squash players are more efficient. In tennis, you have to break your opponent to win, in squash you just have to beat them. Squash players don’t feel the need to convert every shot into a forehand shot. Tennis has deuce and ad courts; in squash it is just right and left.
If you play either squash or
tennis, you know that both the games require speed, agility, endurance,
power and strategy. Most squash players have no doubt that their game
is the hardest of all racquet sports, particularly when compared to
tennis. My friend Bill Guest
lets the image on his parking spot speak for itself!
In Tennis, hitting the line is considered an excellent shot; in squash it will cost you.
In tennis, a passing shot is a winner, in squash it’s just good length.
Love does not count for a whole lot in tennis.
Tennis players need to rest after
every two games; squash players have fine-tuned the art of callings
“lets” and arguing with the referee. The reverse view: Tennis is a spectator sport; squash wants to be a spectator sport. Squash needs tennis players’ support to get into the Olympics (may be!) In squash, players try to let the ball die; in tennis players try to kill it.
Squash players pretend that a “nick” is a repeatable shot. That is like
calling this a repeatable shotTennis players warm up before the game; squash players warm the ball up.
In Tennis, players don’t hide behind your back. Squash players need walls around them to keep the ball in the court. In squash, you can get a “stroke” and continue to play; in tennis if you get a stroke you need an ambulance! In squash a dead nick is a good shot, in tennis, dead Nick is, not good for Nick! Squash players struggle with their scoring system – 9, 11, 15, PAR… Squash pros make a living; tennis pros make the Forbes list. Tennis players only boast when they are off the court. Tennis has an injury named after the game – tennis elbow, squash does not. Squash is played with tins, boxes, and lines. It’s OK to cheat in squash, as long as it means poaching to one side of the court. In squash, “serve and volley” means that you serve and your opponent volleys. In squash, your opponent can push you from the back and flash the “L”oser sign, especially when you seem to have an advantage. In squash, the referee can often threaten you with a throat-slashing motion. In squash, if you make an “attempt” to play a ball the referee may give you another shot at it.
Would be sweet, in real life! In squash, grammar is less important – “no let”, “tight length”… Squash players seem to be standing around and looking back during rallies.
So there you have it. If you feel that “never the twain shall meet!”,
we should perhaps ask the badminton players to join in the conversation!
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